My Natural Beauty

ORIGINAL - 6 x Ghana Super Blend Black Soap Bar


$24.25 $31.50


Bar weight varies between 8 oz. and 9.5 oz.

All Natural, PREMIUM hand made Black Soap Bars, highly enriched with a heavy blend of Shea butter, Cocoa butter, Coconut butter, Moringa Ash and other natural ingredients. African Black Soap is the most healthful yet unheard of soaps you will find. African Black Soap has the ability to deeply clean and thoroughly detoxify the skin, remove makeup, reduce oily skin and relieve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, fungus, ringworm and skin rashes.

  • Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungus, and Anti-Viral properties.
  • Treatment of severe cases of psoriasis and eczema.
  • Purges toxins from skin.
  • Treats dark spots and skin discolorations naturally.
  • Expels oily acne safely (alcohol FREE)
  • Clears out clogged pores.
  • Excellent natural hair care product.

BLACK SOAP BARS FOR BODY: Since African Black Soap is made up of approximately 50% Shea Butter, it can help minimize dark spots, marks and skin discoloration as well as even skin tone. African Black Soap can also be used to heal skin blemishes such as acne, blackheads and occasional breakouts. In cases of acne, the individuals eating habits may be the contributor to their skin condition. Beneficial For ALL Skin Types.....

EXTRAS (add-ons): Add an ALL Natural loofah pad or 2, and maybe 3 to your order. Loofah pads are great to use with Black Soap.

Why?  Because it helps you save money $ $ $.
How?  Your soap does not get wasted and... it provides a great lather.

Click here to purchase.

INTERESTED IN LIQUID BLACK SOAP? Click on me for Liquid Soap

Our African Black Soap is sold exactly as displayed on our website and seen clearly in our video; however, color may vary. Click here to view video

What is African Black Soap?

African Black Soap is crumbly, soft and unscented.  It ranges from a light brown color to a dark brown color and often near black but never completely black, as shown above. Most often, the  soap is crumbly because of its raw state; however, crumbly does not necessarily mean crumbly like bread crumbs. It is very easy to use.  


African Black Soap is made solely of ALL NATURAL ingredients such as virgin palm kernel oil, cocoa pods (potash), palm bunch ash, plantain skin ashes (and depending on region - Camwood bark ash),  palm oil and shea butter.

Potash is an organic ingredient in African Black Soap. The longer the plantain skins are roasted the darker the soap is, but the soap is never completely black. Colors vary from light-tan brown to brown and dark brown. In Ghana, the local potash is made from cocoa pod husks (shell that covers cocoa seeds), as seen below. Cocoa husk is similar to the outer shell of a melon but harder. Once the cocoa seeds are taken out of the pod to be processed for chocolate making etc..., the husks are dried and burnt into ashes. And now you have potash. These are one (1) of the three (3) ashes in Black Soap. Potash is one of the key ingredients in the binding process of soap making.

Click here to watch videos related to BLACK SOAP


BEWARE of the so called 'Jelly Jelly Soap' SOLD IN MOST beauty supply shops. Some western countries black market 'FAKE' black soap as an attempt to imitate African Black Soap.  This practice is an insult to Africans who have used black soap for centuries.

Palm Fruit / Oil
100% Cocoa Pod / Husk

Cocoa Pod, Palm Bunch and Camwood Bark Ash

The Cleansing Power Of African Black Soap

African black soap has the ability to deeply clean and thoroughly detoxify the skin, remove makeup, reduce oily skin and relieve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, foot fungus, ringworm and skin rashes. Since African black soap is made up of approximately 50% shea butter, it can also help minimize dark spots, marks and skin discoloration as well as even skin tone. African black soap can also be used to heal skin blemishes such as acne, blackheads and occasional breakouts.

For men, African black soap can prove to be an exceptional tool in dealing with unsightly razor bumps as black soap can be used to help minimize the appearance and severity of those razor bumps under the chin and sides of the face. The daily use of African Soap can help keep skin clear and blemish free.  Shaving with black soap is far more superior than chemical based shaving creams.


The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.


Wash 1-2 times in one single wash. You can wash from your head on down to your toes using African Black Soap. This soap can be used to clean your hair too. If used to wash hair, it can dry hair... so we recommend that you use any one of our Liquid Black Soap Body Washes instead. Click here for options.

After washing your body, we recommend that you follow up using our Authentic Unrefined Shea Nut Butter to moisturize, heal, and protect your skin. Shea Butter WILL NOT clog your pores, so there is no need to worry. If you are not a fan of the Unrefined Shea Nut Butter, and you'd rather use one of our All Natural Body Butters, then click here for options. These butters are whipped using pure cocoa and shea butter infused with healing essential oils.

Although African Black Soap tends to be crumbly, it is very easy to use. Simply grip desired amount into the palm of your hand and form your own soap ball, then bathe naturally. Whatever portion is not used entirely, just save it for the next time. It is recommended to NOT USE any form of a washcloth and/or synthetic sponge when cleansing because it holds germs and bacteria. For exfoliating purposes, use an all natural loofah. Loofahs need to be properly dried to prevent bacteria growth as well. To purchase a loofahclick here.

SIDE NOTE: Avoid rubbing the skin with Raw Black Soap, especially on delicate facial skin. Lather up soap in hands first before putting on face. The soap contains ash granules that might not dissolve quickly and can irritate the skin. When cleansing problematic skin such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, you should not scrub your skin using a washcloth and/or sponge. For best results, use bare hands when cleaning your body. 

WHAT IS IN BLACK SOAP? Click here to read more.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: To prolong the shelf life of the natural black soap, keep it in a cool and dry location. After using your black soap in the shower you can then store it in an air-tight container or zip-lock bag in a cooler and drier section of the house.

DISCLAIMER: The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

I absolutely love it, thank you for fast delivery


I got my order in time, and it’s perfect, the packaging and everything are ordered, thank you so much

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