My Natural Beauty
Black Soap | BLACK SEED and TURMERIC | Paste Soap
Net Weight: 5 oz.
- Gentle face cleanser.
- Beneficial for combination skin.
- Safe for dermatitis (eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea)
Expels painful dry and oily acne safely (alcohol FREE).
Clears out clogged pores naturally.
Purges toxins from skin.
- Balances oil production.
- Helps minimize blemishes and dark spots.
Our PASTE SOAP is powerful - a little goes a long way!
- Apply a pinch of soap into the PALM OF YOUR DRY HAND
- Add water to create a lather.
- Gently lather all areas of your face and neck.
- Rinse thoroughly.
- Wash 1-2 times in one single wash.
- Moisturize your face with our Supremely Divine Butter.
BLACK SEED | TURMERIC PASTE SOAP INGREDIENTS: palm oil, palm kernel oil and plantain leaves/skins, organic essential oil blend of Black Seed (Nigella sativa), geranium rose, turmeric, ginger, frankincense, and basil.
Our paste soaps are made solely of ALL NATURAL and ORGANIC ingredients.
Our Black Soap Paste is an original and traditional hand-made recipe. We have been making paste soap for over 25 years and we do not - absolutely not - hide nor alter any of our ingredients. What you read on the label, is exactly what you get!
STORAGE: There are NO PRESERVATIVES in our Soaps. To prolong the shelf life of the natural black soap, keep it in a cool and dry location. After using your black soap paste in the shower, secure lid tightly and store it in a drier section of the bathroom.
STORE PRODUCTS IN DARK (DRY) COOL ENVIRONMENT... All of our products are made in small batches to ensure freshness.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
Please be advised: You should always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your daily regimen.