My Natural Beauty
All Natural Oral Care - Natural Chew Sticks (Miswak - Miswaak - Sewak)
All-Natural Oral Care ON THE GO! Miswak (Miswaak / Sewak) CHEW STICK
Sold as Large Size Miswaak (About 8 inches Long)
Toothbrushes are inorganic. There is nothing inside a toothbrush that can kill bacteria. Toothbrushes are designed to brush with, but you can’t strengthen your gums. Using a Miswak Root (Chew Stick) in replacement, you can brush, floss, and effectively combat bacteria naturally, and most importantly SAFELY! And the great thing about it, you can do it ON THE GO! The majority of toothpaste is made with mostly chemicals, dyes, fluoride, and SURPRISINGLY sugar! So why not try a Miswak (Sewak) Root Chew Stick?
You will not regret it!
Miswak Roots can be used as a natural toothbrush. No harmful toothpaste, no harsh toothbrush. The GREAT thing about brushing with Miswak (Sewak) Roots is it naturally brightens your teeth, scrubs off about 97% of plaque and freshens your breath safely. Miswak helps promotes fresh breath and healthy gums. The miswaak is taken from the roots of the Arak tree, also known as the Peelu. primarily found in the Arabian Peninsula and some parts of Asia, including Pakistan. Miswaak is a natural antiseptic, multi-purpose stick that cleans and whitens the teeth and sweetens the breath naturally.
Miswaak roots... have been around for centuries. When you start using Miswaak, it should be juicy. These juices are antibacterial. They kill bacteria that cause bad breath and the carrier that causes cavities. According to studies, even without coming into contact with the bacteria, the Miswaak has killed it.
Not really your thing? Using a root to clean your teeth is not your forté, then click here to purchase our Miswak Tooth Powder.
- Common names: Salt bush, Mustard tree, The tooth brush tree.
- Internationally known as: Arak, Siwak, Peelu, Miswak.
- Scientific name: Salvadora Persica
2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in.
3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth.
4. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves the sense of taste.
5. Miswaak is a cure for headaches.
6. Miswaak creates lustre (noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.
7. Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.
8. Miswaak strengthens the eyesight.
9. Miswaak assists in digestion.
10. Miswaak clears the voice.
Research shows that the bark of the "Toothbrush Tree" contains on antibiotic which suppresses the growth of bacteria and the formation of plaque in the mouth. Research also suggests that the regular use of Miswaak significantly reduces plaque, gingivitis, and the growth of cariogenic bacteria. No toothpaste required! Miswaak naturally contains many components such as fluoride, astringents, detergents, resins (a possible enamel protectant) and abrasives.
According to the Department of Cardiology and Endodontology, Institute of Odontology, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, Sweden, Miswaak chewing sticks are far more effective in ridding the teeth of plaque and hence more healthy for your body, "It is concluded that the miswaak is more effective than tooth-brushing for reducing plaque and gingivitis, when preceded by professional instruction in its correct application. The miswaak appeared to be more effective than tooth brushing for removing plaque from the embrasures, thus enhancing inter proximal health."
Click here to read more in depth details about the ALL NATURAL USE and BENEFITS of using a MISWAK / MISWAAK (SEWAK) ROOT chew stick.
USAGE: Simply scrape off bark from the tip (1/2"), then chew the tip gently until brush like and the fiber becomes soft. Chew the bristles to separate the natural fibers to form like toothbrush bristles. To clean the teeth, brush with miswaak from the edge of the gums in a up and down movements till the cutting edge of the teeth.
Brush teeth horizontally and frequently. When the bristles are worn and the flavor has subsided, cut them off & repeat instruction. A fresh Miswaak stick should not lose its bristles very easily. When your Miswaak bristles get loose, you should rub them across your teeth and also bite on them. Using Miswaak is kind of the same way you would use a toothbrush. The bristles are a lot harder and this means it scrubs your teeth and gets them clean. After you’re done chewing on your Miswaak stick, make sure to put it back in its wrapper.
Comes vacuum sealed to retain freshness and softness. The bark at the tip is easily removed even without the use of a knife. Once you know how to use Miswaak, you should brush with Miswaak every day. But even if you only do it two or three times a week, you’re still going to have cleaner, whiter, and healthier teeth and gums than by brushing every day with a toothbrush.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
Please be advised: You should always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your daily regimen.